Tag Archives: Wikipedia

Amazon? Who? Which?

Yes, yes, I know you know that it’s the largest online retailer on earth and you could find in their huge databank every book that was ever printed on the planet.

But then, I was referring to an Amazon which is bigger, holds more between its banks and is a bigger marvel than the website could ever be. Yes…the river.

But, I guess, it’s a reflection of the times we live in. Google, that behemoth of the virtual age that controls the way we think, search and find our knowledge, doesn’t seem to think so.

Except for that lone crusader of all knowledge – Wikipedia, if the first page of Google’s search results are anything to go by, the widest river in the world may just be a non-descript stream.

Can’t blame Google alone. So, who actually is looking for information on a river and how many are helping its cause?Which is not quite the same with mighty corporates with yearly goals and revenue targets, ad spends and search engine focus et al.

But why am I cribbing? That’s life! Wottalife!